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U2's Invisible Review

Invisible the second song or technically the first or just a single, heck at this point who knows, we all have been waiting for the next release for what seems to be months and yet we are no closer to any actual announcement of the next studio album.

We like to call it “Lucky 13” just because we have no real title to announce at this time.  “Invisible” is a bit different and yet the same for those U2 fans that have been around for a while.  LA Times review was not as flattering, which is nothing new for reviewers. 

Bono did say once or I am guessing he did that he was listening to Kraftwerk which we can pick up within the single.

U2 does not depart from the message of hope, peace, and faith that is one of the staple trademarks, and you can really start to dig into the idea that God has not departed the room, yet.  Musically the band seems challenged to find its way into this new music world and yet bring forth their devoted fans as we all march towards 60.  The single may provide us the framework for what is to come of U2 or it might be a floating balloon to which the band will see who hangs on.  One thing is for sure. U2 is coming straight toward us this year with a full album that might just be released in the middle of darkness. We give it a 5 stars for different yet the same and with a splash of possibility