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Whats Your Ultimate U2 List

A couple of weeks ago we published a play list of what we thought was the ultimate playlist of U2 music and  most U2 fans agreed with our list, however not everyone agreed.

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The task was daunting and controversial. U2 of course is the most beloved bands in the world and of course, this playlist would spark endless conversation and debate.

However, we are always up to a challenge. We created our list of what we deemed to be the best selection of U2’s work across all of the albums.

We knew that some of the rarely heard U2 songs should be placed upon the list. We knew the challenging task would be to pick songs that evoke an emotion that would spark some creativity from the fans. 

We thought about the tempered with classic guitar riffs by The Edge.

Songs such as Desire and When Love Comes to Town with BB King as a guest are great songs yet they did not make our list.  Some songs like “One” are just misunderstood. It is not a wedding song by any means yet so many times you hear this song about breaking up at a wedding. U2 songs range from political statements to sheer unadulterated, joyful youth.

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U2 knows how to bring a concert crowd through a rollercoaster of emotions and send them away with an experience of a lifetime. We thought about this and we want to hear from you.

What would your top ten U2 Songs be and why? Share your thoughts and we might pick your story and list to share with the world.