Huckabee Invokes Bono

Huckabee hosts a show on Fox News and did interview Bono at the end of last year and last night he threw out Bono's name with the following comments. Hum, are we sure Bono would support such comments ? - No word from Bono's camp. 

"Sometimes — sometimes we get so close to the picture, we really can’t see it clearly.  I’ve had the privilege of working with Bono for the past few years in the One Campaign to fight AIDS and hunger and disease around the world.  Bono is an Irishman and a great humanitarian.  And I remember him telling me of his admiration for America.  He said, ‘America’s more than just a country.  We are an idea.’ And he reminded me that we are an exceptional nation with an extraordinary history who owes it to the generations who are coming after us to leave them with an extraordinary legacy.”

U2 a Christian Band, Rubbish !


One of our early readers sent in some comments that should create some conversation today.  Bringing U2 into a conversation with a group of Christians can be challenging or even dangerous for the relationship. 

The boys held up as prime examples of good Christians that happen to be in the music business, years later most view the boys as arrogant and egotistical abandoning their early religious views.

In fact, many churches will point to U2 as evidence of the fact that the music industry is too full of corruption and depravity for even the most committed believers to hold out against, almost as mothers used to frighten their children into good behavior with stories of the hobgoblins that awaited the ill-behaved child! Viewing U2 on the surface, this can be understandable, but a deeper look at what the band are doing portrays a very different story.

Without a doubt U2 have changed a lot since their early albums. Many believe that U2 no longer possess the Christian beliefs, which so obviously underpinned these albums, and in many respects amidst the images which U2 have created their beliefs can be difficult to unearth.

Often such use of artistic subterfuge is deeply frowned upon by Christian fundamentalists who argue that the gospel message should be perfectly clear; however, this is ignoring the fact that much of the Bible is itself written in artistic prose, rich in hidden meanings and multi-faceted nuances, whilst several books merely contain poetry – the most artistic of all writing forms.

Jesus himself taught in parables, using the images of the day to bring across truths about God, and most of the time leaving the people scratching their heads and wondering what he meant.