Hola Chile, Yo Soy U2 !

Less than a week away before the boys big return to South America -

360 Tours first stop March 25th at the National Stadium in Santigo . In order for this show to be a success they have been working rond the clock to bring the gear and crew into Chile. Claudia Fres Terra is the production manger working out all the logistics. The time the band will bring their very large families and that pretty much locks up 14 plus annexed backstage hospitality rooms for the family to share with friends.

Bono  will have four ful dressing rooms, one for the family  to use, one for staff and of course one to chile out prior to start of the show. U2 will be traveling this tme with a large extended crew. A personal chief which wil provide all the normal afare such as meat, pasta, seafood and of course lots of chilean wines. Seafood will be at the top of the menu because of the regions great fishing grounds.

So of the interesting items back stage 24 refirgerators to hold 14K liters of liquid ( hum that’s a lot of beer) 5 freezers for just ice.

Within the list of requests, which attracted most attention was the application of 24 refrigerators to preserve 14 thousand liters of liquid. In addition, another 5 freezers for 1,500 liters. And a thousand kilos of ice.

Back stage of course will be turned into U2’s personal wonder land. All  of the decorations have been packaged into thecontainers with everything else. Tables, chairs, racks for lots of clothing.

Did you know that this tour in South America will have 15 bilingual assitants to handle all of the adminstrative work.

Now lets talk about the transporation pool., three Mercedes Benz, BMW and three three Chrysler the  staff also asked a couple of medium-sized private jets.

The final requests that are on the rider 75 Blackberry phones with international calling, about 6 or 8 guards apart from bringing each of them, a chiropractor and a masseuse apart from theirs, 350 long white towels, 12 type golf carts to work, 4 oxygen bottles to withstand the intensity of the show, a special room just for the band, and a lounge to meet and relax.