Songs Of Innocence, eligible Grammy

Did you ever doubt the U2 marketing machines would allow the bands hard work go unnoticed for Grammy consideration? The label rush out to a very small limited group of record stories a vinyl copy of current release made available for sale by today's cut off point.

Sources inside the machine said that the band and the label knew that they needed release something before the cut off to considered.

Grammy guidelines are very clear and communicated that the band will be eligible for the upcoming 57th Annual Grammy Awards on February 8th, 2015. "As long as the album, be it CD, vinyl or digital, is available commercially for sale to the public by our eligibility cutoff date at a nationally recognized retailer or website, then it's eligible for consideration,"

The fine print states: For the 57th Annual GRAMMY Awards, albums must be released between Oct. 1, 2013 and Sept. 30, 2014. Recordings must be commercially released in general distribution in the United States, i.e. sales by label to a branch or recognized independent distributor, via the Internet, or mail order/retail sales for a nationally marketed product. Recordings must be available for sale from any date within the eligibility period through at least the date of the current year's voting deadline (final ballot).