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F Bomb and U2 all in 1 night

Did the f-word get dropped on Saturday Night Live tonight? It sure sounded that way. At about 12:42 Eastern Time, during a sketch called “Biker Chick Chat,” new cast member Jenny Slate seemed to say the word that got SNL cast member Charles Rocket in trouble in 1981.

The sketch included host Megan Fox and Kristen Wiig as “biker chicks” along with Slate. All of them were peppering their mock-tough-talk with the phrase “frickin’” but Slate appeared to say, “I f—in’ love you for that” instead.

Seth Meyers could be seen hugging Slate onstage as Fox closed out the show by introducing U2 for a third and final song.

Here’s hoping no punishment is meted out to the new cast member for what was clearly just a slip of the tongue.

Video below. Warning: language:



U2 performed three songs on air, after a coupe of SNL skits. Once the boadcast was over they did play a fourth song for the studio. This is a mini set list.

  1. Breathe
  2. Moment of Surrender
  3. Ultra Violet (Light My Way)
  4. With or Without You ( Off air)
Twitter conversations suggested that most people where surprised that the band did not play their latest single, Crazy Tonight. Sound checks suggested something different. Crazy Tonight and Angel of Harlem. ( Well the boys switched it up) Ultra was played as the credit rolled.

Credits: Twitter Followers to many to list within this little space