The Greatest Show in The World

U2 concert is the greatest show on Earth, says critic

The U2 concert is the greatest show on Earth. It is worthwhile to ensure the entrance and run to see Bono of U2 to run the show on Brazilian stage. Who says it is the Alexander Column in Petillo blog affiliates of Rede Globo. It’s two hours of celebration and fellowship. Can you exorcise, believe, forget it. Putting out. After all, for it was that rock concerts were invented, “says the blogger.

The praise for Bono are not few. Bono is the greatest frontman in the world. Every step, look, gesture, and speech are rated, great - without exaggeration, the extent to thrill, entertain, make everyone feel at home there. “ On show in Sao Paulo, U2 recalled meeting with Dilma and paid homage to victims of Rio de Janeiro.

The matter came quickly to the U2 Trending Topics Twitter Brazil. And the compliments are constant: “the best rock show I’ve ever seen. There is nothing equal to U2. Whether in technology, sound, emotion, Bono and U2 gives concert worth the same ticket. Come back more often to Brazil Summarized Esteban Cardoso, internet Campos do Jordao.