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Amazed and Idolised

Frazer Harrison, Getty ImagesBono and The Edge made their appearance on American Idol last night during the season finale at the Nolkia Theatre in LA. The performed “Rise Above 1” Reeve Carney is the singer/actor that plays Peter Park in the Broadway production. The U2 marketing machine has timed this perfect once again with the release of the digital version available on Itunes. As the song comes to an end ana actual Spiderman swung from the ceiling and tried to plant a kiss on the lips of the judge Jo Lo who elected to tap her fingers on his lips.  Twitter was a buzz for a few days when we broke the news that they had planned to appear ( while news of U2 the band was to appear) However it was just Bono with his shades, and The Edge taking full advanatage of the promotional value of American Idol.  Take a look -