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U2 Expected Spring 2014

Spring 2014 almost 5 years later since U2 has released an album. The rumors are flying around that suggest Spring 2014 for some new music from the boys. Everything we heard from our sources suggests we are on track for Spring 2014.

In case, you missed it. Bono was on Dave Letterman and suggested that the final touch up is under way. The artwork, some videos and the marketing machine team will start kicking it to full gear early 2014.

Lets be real we all know U2 likes to have everything in place and really fine tuned prior to any release. This we know for fact. We can expect to see the boys appear on the road supporting the new project because of changes in the music business bands really need to hit the road to earn any money.

Yes, even U2 with their 360 agreements with Live Nation will be required to hit the road. We think that the rumor around smaller closer intimate venues might be way for them to go. Getting closer to the fans, playing multi dates in some of the larger cities to support a kind of a fair well tour. (Yea we said it).

The boys really want to make a big splash and yet they still fight the noise of “are we relevant?” the boys want to go out on top as the “Worlds Greatest Rock Bands” Its all part of a greater plan.

So for now know that the music is on the tape and ready to be burned to CD’s or downloads and all that’s left is for the label to pick a release date that brings the biggest amount of attention.